
We are Cambridge Energy Data Lab, a smart energy startup based in Cambridge, UK.
This blog, named "Cambridge Energy Data Analysis", aims to incrementally unveil our big data analysis and technologies to the world. We are a group of young geeks: computer scientists, data scientists, and serial entrepreneurs, having a passion for smart energy and sustainable world.

Friday 22 August 2014

Some insights about domestic electricity prices in the IEA countires

In this post we will provide three interactive visualizations of the latest data released by the International Energy Agency (IEA) about the domestic electricity prices*.

Prices in 2013

In the first figure below we compare the prices of the domestic electricity among the countries monitored by IEA. The plot also shows which fraction of the price is represented by taxes:

In 2013, average domestic electricity prices, including taxes, in Denmark and Germany were the highest in the IEA. We also note that in Denmark the fraction of taxes paid is higher than the actual electricity price whereas in Germany the actual electricity price and the taxes are almost the same. Interestingly, USA has the lowest price and the lowest taxation.

Relationship between taxes and full prices

In this figure we highlight the correlation between taxes and full prices: Here we can see that there is a positive correlation (correlation=0.82) between the prices with taxes and the prices without taxes. This indicates that according to this data, when the full price increases, the taxes also increase. Hovering the pointer on the points we can discover that Germany and Denmark have the highest taxes, while USA, UK and Japan have the lowest. Also, we note that Ireland has expensive electricity and low taxes, while Norway shows the reverse trend.

Evolution of the prices from 2010 to 2013

Here we try to compare the trend of the prices among the five countries with the higest prices in 2013: From this chart we can observe that only in 2013 the cost of the electricity for the domestic consumers has become very similar in Germany and Denmark and that the Danish prices were substantially higher in the past. We can also see that prices in Italy and Ireland have a very similar increasing trend while prices in Austria dropped in 2012 but raised again in 2013.

*the prices are showed as pence per Kwh.

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